Tuesday, 11 February 2025

Well January came and went with just 1 species of Moth recorded: Mottled Umber. Interesting birds seen in Kent during January included: Little Owl, Purple Sandpiper and Snow Buntings. Pictures from my recent Canada trip can be found on my Flickr site.

 Little Owl

Snow Buntings
Purple Sandpiper
Mottled Umber


Wednesday, 1 January 2025

 It's the end of the year. In December just 2 species were added to the moth year list: Mottled Umber and Winter Moth. The final total for 2024 is 352-the worst year since 2015. However, there were 13 new species for the garden list which means the grand total is now 759. New species were: Large Red-belted Clearwing, Barred Red, Oak Rustic, Webb's Wainscot, Porter's Rustic, A. innoxiella, C. longana, D. plumbana, T. acroxantha, E. scutalana, C. honoratella, and Z. hepariella.  

 Barred Red

Oak Rustic

Webb's Wainscot
Porter's Rustic